Below is an overview of all cities in which recordings have been carried out, or are being planned in the near future. In each city, potential recording locations are selected in a systematic manner, through an online survey distributed among inhabitants. Participants in this survey are asked to pinpoint those outdoor public spaces within their city that they perceive as either being full of life and exciting, chaotic and restless, calm and tranquil, or lifeless and boring. Using a spatial clustering analysis, we compile a shortlist of prototypical locations with a variety of soundscapes, more or less uniformly covering each of the four quadrants in the two-dimensional core affect perceptual space. We then visit the city and perform audiovisual recordings at the most suitable locations on the shortlist. More information about the site selection protocol can be found in our publications.
We are still looking to expand our range of cities. In case you believe that your city should be added, feel free to contact us.

Montreal, Canada
Recordings performed in June 2017
Local contact person(s): prof. Annelies Bockstael (Université de Montréal), prof. Catherine Guastavino (McGill University)

Boston, USA
Recordings performed in June 2017
Local contact person(s): prof. Sam Michalka (Olin College of Engineering)

Tianjin, China
Recordings performed in August 2017
Local contact person(s): prof. Xingyu Liang (Tianjin University)

Hong Kong
Recordings performed in August 2017
Local contact person(s): Dr. Andy Chung (Macau Instituto de Acustica)

Berlin, Germany
Recordings performed in September 2017
Local contact person(s): prof. Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp (TU Berlin)

New York, USA
Recordings performed in August 2018
Local contact person(s): /

Chicago, USA
Recordings performed in August 2018
Local contact person(s): /

Madrid, Spain
Recordings performed in June 2019
Local contact person(s): dr. Gemma María Echevarría (Ghent University)

Vilnius, Lithuania
Recordings performed in October 2019
Local contact person(s): prof. Aelita Skaržauskienė (Mykolas Romeris University), prof. Monika Mačiulienė (Mykolas Romeris University)

Paris, France
Survey: online (in French)
Local contact person(s): prof. Catherine Lavandier (Cergy-Pontoise University)

London, UK
Survey: online (in English)
Local contact person(s): prof. Jian Kang (UCL), dr. Francesco Aletta (UCL)

São Paulo, Brazil
Survey: online (in Portuguese)
Local contact person(s): Marcos Holtz (Harmonia Acústica), Carolina Monteiro (Harmonia Acústica)